My winter 'break' if you want to call it was anything but relaxing. I did so much running around and driving here and driving there, I only got to see my friends one time and I didn't get to spend as much time with my family as I would have liked. Coming to Rome, I knew I would have a lot on my plate, but it is nice to have something for my mind to focus on, even though there is A LOT to focus on here.
So classes thus far consist of sketching, drawing, rendering, and more sketching, and apparently everything I learned from drawing in Copenhagen was left in Copenhagen. My first sketch was really really horrible. But, I can proudly say my second was better and my third even better than that. will just take me some time to warm up, that's all. I had my first day of Design yesterday, although it was only an introduction so it doesn't really count. Today I had my first class with Larry, by far my favorite professor ever, and so of course it went great! He showed us some pretty awesome sights to go back to....
Now, to fill you in on the rest of the weekend, I SAW SOME AWESOME STUFF. We went on an adventure Sunday and saw St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican, the Castle di Sant' Angelo, the Pantheon, and the Trevi Fountain. All were beautiful, and I KNOW I will be returning to them all sometime soon.
Going to the Vatican on Sunday worked out well, because we saw the Pope!! I'm not Catholic, but I have to say it was still pretty awesome to see the Pope. I can definitely check that one off my bucket list. From there, we got an awesome pizza lunch, and moved our way over to the castle and across the bridge into the older part of town.
Turns out the Pantheon isn't really all that easy to find. There are signs here and there, but all the roads are so small that you wind your way through the city with barely any sense of direction. Once we got into the piazza just in front of the Pantheon though, it was like a vacuum. We turned the corner and BAM! there it was: One of THE MOST famous works of architecture of all time. Part of it was being renovated on the outside, but it was sooooo cool to be standing in front of the Pantheon!! It looked so old, too! And I know it IS old, of course, but being amidst all the newer looking buildings, it looked so old and gray and weathered..but the interior was perfect. It was so beautiful. The oculus in the center of the roof is still just a hole, so the first day it rains here I want to go watch it rain inside. Turns out Raphael (the famous painter) was buried there, so they had his tomb as well as one of the previous kings of Rome (or Italy, I'm not sure). The whole thing was just so darn beautiful.
And our final destination of the day was the Trevi Fountain. Now, this is the one that you are supposed to throw a coin into in order to bring you love. I threw one in because, you know... 'When in Rome..' but I threw it in in thanks of finding love. =) The fountain itself is really pretty, and all of these places are on our list of places to return to at night to see them all lit up.
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