Of course it is still AWESOME that I am here, it's just that all this sinking in makes me miss those at home so much more....I don't know why, but I am feeling a bit homesick today. Just being with so many people and living with so many people who are on such different schedules and everything makes life........well...........interesting. It really makes you realize who you are as a person.
Today, in a recap, was a lazy day for the most part. We had to go to studio for orientation at 10 am this morning, which was a struggle because my friends and I went out drinking last night. Six of us shared four liters of mojito....which made us all very happy.... So anyways, we made it to studio on time and then listened to the director of the program talk about nonsense for an hour. Ugh. It was painful. So then after that, we returned to the apartment and hung out until our arranged studio lunch at 2. I watched Top Chef during that time because my AMAZING boyfriend sent it to me so I can keep up. =) After lunch, I had to buy a sketchbook for my drawing class, and nobody else had to go to the art supply store, so what did that mean? I had to venture out, ON MY OWN. I had to know where I was going, and speak enough Italian to get what I needed. It wasn't bad at all, but it was the first thing I have done here completely alone!! I kindof liked the independence..and almost wanted to stay out for a little while longer, but I was tired and didn't want to carry my new sketchbook everywhere with me.
The rest of the evening I spent at home, working with my partners on our poetry workshop assignment that is due Tuesday. We worked on it for multiple hours....we kindof lost track of time, but we got 99% of it done. So that is a load off our shoulders.
Tonight, we are just going to stay in I think. I made myself some dinner that was AWESOME and now I am just hanging out and letting my food digest. So, no big news really.
The other day while wandering through the city, I saw my first real ruins. It was sooo beautiful. Not all of them, but I walked up onto Capitoline Hill and saw the tip of the Coliseum and the Roman Forum and basically the 'downtown' of all the ruins. We didn't venture all the way into the heart of it, but just seeing it was absolutely stunning. It is so crazy to be AT the places that I have studied for over 5 years now....
When I get closer to the ruins, I will DEFINITELY have more to say, and more for you to see.
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